Suffering an injury at work can be a very serious matter. If this happens to you, you need to know what your legal entitlements and obligations are and the best advice you can get is from an experienced ‘WorkCover’ lawyer.

We have a Free First Interview Scheme which enables you to get initial advice at no cost or obligation.

At that Free First Interview we will discuss with you:

  • Is my claim one that is worth pursuing?
  • How do we charge and much will it cost?
  • Is ‘No Win, no Fee’ appropriate for your case?
  • How is my claim assessed?
  • Does my claim entitle me to a lump sum payment or periodic payments or both?
  • How long will it take to resolve the claim?
  • Why you need an experienced Industrial accident lawyer.

And for people in the southern or coastal suburbs looking for a personal injury lawyer, our Glenelg office will make it even easier for you to deal with us.

But, even before meeting with us, there is some information that you might find helpful.

You need to know that there are two compensation schemes for workers in South Australia one being the State scheme and the other which relates to Commonwealth employees.

Each scheme has its own entitlements and complexities.

You may be aware that, in 2015, major changes were made to the State scheme.

One of the most obvious changes is that what was once called ‘WorkCover’ is now ‘Return to Work SA’ (RTWSA)  but most people still use ‘WorkCover’ out of habit..

More importantly, the entitlements payable for work injuries have been modified significantly including the entitlements to lump sum payments.

If you have suffered a work related injury, it is essential that you understand what these changes mean to you.

We can help you maximise your entitlements, both lump sum and otherwise.

And we can tell you whether you might also have a Common Law claim for damages.

If you find yourself in a dispute with WorkCover or Comcare we can help you our many years of experience of dealing in those jurisdictions

And we offer a ‘No Win  No Fee arrangement in appropriate cases.

Our range of Work Injuries services includes:

  • Claims for compensation under WorkCover/RTWSA including lump sum compensation;
  • Claims for Comcare compensation;
  • Disputes on Claims;
  • Representation in Tribunals and Courts;
  • Dealing with SafeWork SA including defending prosecutions;
  • Common Law Claims for damages.

We’re here to help

Talk to us about your legal requirements today.